Learning English - Past Simple Tense
We use the Past Simple Tense to talk about action or situation that started and finished in the past. Additionally, we use the tense for routine in the past
Past Indicators
yesterday last week last year last month ago last night recently
EX. John went to the mall recently.
S + V2 + C
Example of Irregular Verb Forms
infinitive past past participle
become became become
behold beheld beheld
burn burnt burnt
creep crept crept
cling clung clung
cut cut cut
forego forwent foregone
fall fell fallen
gainsay gainsaid gainsaid
mean meant meant
steal stole stolen
Full irregular verb click here.
Regular Verb
For regular verbs, we put ed at the end of each word. However, there are 5 rules to be kept in mind.
1. Verb ends with e. We can directly put d after the words.
move moved
hope hoped
realize realzied
2. Verbs end with y but consonants is located before y. We must change from y to i before we put ed.
cry cried
marry married
try tried
study studied
3. Verbs end with y but vowel is located before y, We put ed directly.
play played
stay stayed
obey obeyed
4. One syllable verbs and they end with one final consonant. We have to double the consonant.
plan planned
rub rubbed
nod nodded
bar barred
5. For two-syllabled verbs, we also double the final consonant if the verbs end with one final consonant and are stressed on the second syllable.
refer referred
occur occurred
permit permitted
concur concurred
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