US President Holds Public Event since His Covid-19 Treatment

          Washington,US (Oct. 10) - US president had held his first public address at the White House Saturday after he was tested positive for Covid-19 to show that he fells good to resume his campaign rallies ahead the presidential election secheduled for Nov. 3.

          During having a conversation, addressing "law and order" issues in the US with his supporters, Trump  was apperently not wearing a protective mask.

          He said that he was hornored to welcome his cheering crowds. "We call this a peaceful protest in the White House in support of the incredible men and women of law enforcement and all of the people that work so well with us, he added.

          His public address came after White House physician Sean Conley revealed that the president could hold public events as of Saturday, five days after he walked out of the military infrimary, Walter Reed, for Covid-19 treatment. 

          The United States' CDC says people infected with COVID-19 can see others 10 days after their symptoms first appeared, provided their symptoms are improving. And, a fever has not been detected for at least 24 hours without taking medication.

          Health experts, however, have warned against holding large public event where participants don't wear a protective mask to protect them from the pathogen.

          In the US, 7,945,505 people have been stricken with the virus and 219,282 people have died.

          In addition to this, the commission on the presidential debate cancled the next presidential debate after the president had denied participating in the virtual exchange of view. Some information is applied from Aljazeera and UPI.


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