What Biden Handling the Virus, Just Plagiarism: Pence

          Utah, US (Oct. 8) - Vice-Presicential debate between Senator Harris and Vice President Pence has been being held Kingsbury Hall at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City Wednesday night. 

This is what the candidates say regarding Covid-19.

          Harris said that the Trump's administration was informed how lethal Covid-19 is on Jan. 28, but the it did not tell Americans because Trump wanted people to be "calm". The president still doesn't have the appropriate plan to deal with the virus. Joe Biden, however, has had plans for it e.g. contract tracing and bolstering vaccine research. 

          Vice President Pence justified that the Trump's administration brought back Americans from China in the first place because Ameicans are first. It has been the biggest mobilization since WWII while Mr. Biden opposed the offensive. The administration established Corona Task Force, testing millions Americans, promoting vaccine and medicine research since Feb. What Biden is doing on handling the virus is just plagiarism.        


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